Exercise 101

Daily Exercise Guide

Getting Started Activities

Tips to be Fit

Exercise Planner


Getting Started

Before getting started in any exercise regime it is important to go through this checklist:
1. Make sure your child is able to safely engage in physical activity. If your child has a medical issue, check with your physician regarding any limitations or restrictions before starting.

2. Provide a safe environment for play; check equipment and play areas for potential hazards.

3. Be prepared.Make equipment readily available for your child, such as jump ropes, sneakers, balls, and bats.

4. If you are not sure how active your child is at the moment, take a week to figure it out. Once you know what he or she needs, make small, easily attainable goals until they reach the guidelines. Positive reinforcement and encouragement will go a long way to ensure progress. Join in the fun as well; setting a good example sends a very powerful message.

To begin, first assess the amount of time your child engages in screen time. You may not be aware of how much time your child spends in front of a computer screen or video device, as a little time here and there may add up to a lot of time every day.

Spend a week observing and marking down the amount of time spent so that when you speak with your child you are prepared.

Next, determine the amount of time that they are active. To determine how much time your child exercises every week, observe their activity level on a typical weekday and a weekend day. Ask them about recess, and if they actually play during that time, and record that along with other activities during that day.




The 60 minutes does not have to be done all at once.